Sunday, October 19, 2014

Microsoft Bing and MSN

This is primarily a product of Microsoft's Bing program as we all know it. Let come back to check Bing's History

Bing could be a program of Microsoft
Microsoft's CEO Steve balm are Bing's shoot involves the thought of
This line goes to serve the whole month of June, at 009
009 of July to figure with one in every of the Microsoft Bing and Yahoo area unit in agreement
Bing's early Oct to 011 customer's desires terribly quickly, in line with the day they'll be ready to deliver all
Bing Bing at 01, that guarantees one thing unaccustomed augment the facet bar
Now let's understand one thing concerning MSN Search -

Basically, the MSN program prat sit Hata 1998
Which is essentially referred to as a beta version of MSN upgrade and involves the market in Nov of 005 to 004 and a full version that comes on the market

How to cut video clips with VLC Player?

Many shrewdness to video clips ar cut,

But for those that don't grasp, it is very simple to mention.

First, you wish to transfer the refashion of VLC

Then you open the player, like below

Select advance possibility
Then you will see some additional icons. The record button on the red button.

Then I open a video file, press the record button, Clack began

Press a similar button once more to travel there, wherever you wish to finish.
Clip this record, My documents \ video | VLC record

Click here for brand new version of VLC

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Folder Lock without any Software !!!! 100% will work

Let's see how to do ......

1 / First, open a new folder.

2 / folder inside the new (TXT) File Open
And copy the code.

Quote: cls
title Folder Private
if EXIST "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder (Y / N)
set / p "cho =>"
if% cho% == Y goto LOCK
if% cho% == y goto LOCK
if% cho% == n goto END
if% cho% == N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib + h + s "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set / p "pass =>"
if NOT% pass% == password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End
: End

4/3 on the number line cut password here password of your choice. Such

if NOT% pass% == password here goto FAIL of the places you like if NOT% pass% == 1234 goto FAIL

1234 will be your Password.

5 / "Save as .." to go on. Of the file name "locker.bat"

6 / file save.
7 / at the bar to go back to the folder. Are you a locker named "locker.exe" receive files.
8 / double-click on the file, find the Private folder. Copy this folder to your likes things like that come out. Click on the locker. See the command. Where (Y / N)-type account. Type Y if you lock your folders and will Disappear.
9 / Unlock locker again by clicking on you to type in your password. You will see the folder

Pen Drive at the way you can also lock the folder.

Refresh .. PC will take off alone ..

Auto refresh the system to turn on your computer, click on the first start. The Run
Click on .. Type regedit and press the Enter button ... Registry Editor Window will appear at one of the ... Click on HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE. Click on SYSTEM. Click to Current Control Set. Click Update from the Control. Click on the box next to the Update Mode. Where 1 will be written will be in a new Window Delete 0 .. 1 ... computer type, click OK to see the re-start Auto refresh..

What to do if you forget your Windows 7 password?

Many of us have in our computer user account using the password for protection. But if you ever forget your password, please feel put down somewhere, not a hint. What happened when you will not just think.

From the situation in a new way to release the operating system is installed. I do not have other problems with him. But awareness can avoid situations like those who use Windows 7.

   A simple solution to this problem may be a little careful and Windows 7 Forgotten Password wizard using the tool will create a file named userkey.psw which can reset the password using the forgotten password.

    The Start menu search menu Forgotten password Password reset disk or search by typing or Control Panel> User Accounts and Family Safety window to select the Create a password reset disk on the left. When turned on, the following window will appear.

Now Next (Next) button to select the drive to the next window down. You need to remember for the portable media such as Pen drive, the disk will be used.
Then ask the password. Password for your account. If not, leave it blank and press the Next button.
To create the file, press the button to close the window.
MB file, the file can easily be stored around the main elements yabeei. If yours is one of the copy that you can login to your computer. I do not think so, create a new one. The old one will be canceled. 

It can easily be stored for about two megabytes. The main components of the file. If yours is one of the copy that you can login to your computer. I do not think so, create a new one. The old one will be canceled. 

Usage: Turn on the computer if you forget your password, please type in the wrong password, and the pen-drive or CD to save the file to enter it. Down the window of his cell to reset the password for the password (Reset password), click on the Forgotten Password Wizard will. The same sort of drive to the next window and click Next to save the new password and hint. Now you can login with the new password. 

It just will not work in the case of Microsoft's Windows 7 operating system.

How do you know whether your computer is USB2.0?

Today was the first tuner, and it's my first post. Share this topic so I know I know, but I am today. If someone like me ...

Open Device Manager (Device Manager) and Universal Serial Bus section of the (+) sign on. If you like the image of an Enhanced USB host controller can realize your computer has USB2.0. USB2.0 in Windows 98, but because of the variety of different vendor may have.

Well, the speed of 480 Mbps -USB2.0 40 times more than that of USB1.1.